Sunday 16 November 2014

More Than Meets the Eye... Expounding on My Dress My Choice!

There is definitely more than meets the Eye Here... My point in all this if you read through my post in it's entirety, is yes I see a Co-relation... Our Society as a Whole!! Is one Big ROT! No Respect for self, for laws or for each other. In no way which again was very clear in my post, have I condoned those vicious acts! Infact my heart broke when I watched the clip of the Mombasa Lady... 

The lack of understanding here is the sad part! My problem was the hashtag, which like I made very clear has the right intention, but I also am aware what else it communicates to a certain majority... This Stripping is not new!! I grew up being told that Infact because of my Body, there is is no way I could wear anything to flatter my curves, but instead hide! 

Haya fast forward 2014!! The issue is still here and on an even larger scale... An alarming one! Just yesterday it happened again after the hashtags & call to Protest! These Pervs are taking advantage of the situation until the LAW! Is put in place! Where are our Female Reps!? Our Leaders!? Our Security Officers!!? Violence of any kind & inhumane acts such as these can not in any way ever be justified & need to be dealt with ASAP!! 

What we need to drive for are yes immediate & Longterm solutions... Immediate is push for laws that Protect us women & Longterm is to raise our girls & boys differently... This will take time! Education is the way forward! Let's end this now! So that the next Generation knows better. I believe is what my Post Communicated.

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