Monday, 29 July 2013

The Power Of 7!!

Not too long ago, I was having dinner with one of my mentors and he was keen to point out the 7/7 rule! I was baffled, so asked him to clarify, he then asked me to pretty much analyze my life with each 7th cycle, and indeed our body developmental cycle operates in a cycle of SEVENS! 

And just to bring in some science as proof of this; Changes take place in the body every SEVEN years. There are SEVEN bones in the neck, SEVEN bones in the face, SEVEN bones in the ankle, and SEVEN holes in the head. Most births are multiple of SEVENS. The hen sits three weeks (21 days); the pigeon two weeks (14 days); after having laid eggs for two weeks. Of the 129 species of Mammalia the majority have a period from conception to birth of an exact number of weeks, a multiple of SEVEN.

And even if you can watch your growth, after each 7years you would begin a new phase of your life; first it's 7years, leaving the toddler stage and becoming more independent, then the next cycle 14years, just settling into the teen years, where all the drama takes place, then 21!! officially an adult, though of-course still alot more growing to do, then comes 28!! which is kinda where I am, because I just turned 27 this year and I can already feel a purging taking place to get me to my point of 'perfection' and completion... Allow me to explain; The Number 7 to me signifies COMPLETION!! According to scripture, which is evident every day, from the number of days it took to create the earth, which is now the number of days a week... The cycle completed in SEVEN days and many other instances in the bible, shows that God works in SEVENS! Usually 7! signifying the End of a phase and the beginning of a New... 

Now being shy of my thirties, where normally the concerns are marriage and settling down, being at the peak of my career or at-least on my way there, well to be honest as much as all that is a work in progress, I can really feel it... I am definitely more challenged now! First As a Mother, as much as two years later parenting is second nature, the new challenges are not a walk in the park! who would have thought potty training would be so HARD!! and instilling discipline can really have you pulling at your hair!! But I am certain that once we succeeded here, then we will then be turning the page and unto a new chapter, albeit with it's own different challenges, but indeed with sure growth and maturity for both them and me...

Then comes my career, which still has a long way to go, but I also can't shake off the feeling that something big is happening or is about to happen, so all I can do is prepare for it on my part and that involves going back to school to do what I've always wanted to, which is Psychology; and trust for God to take me to greater heights...

And of-course there is the sudden realization that I am single, with twin girls btw! LOL! (YES I just realized the other day!!) Anyway, this can stir up moments where one wonders if this is all I have in store for me? Is it too late for the picket fence and one or maybe two other children? Or even in this era we live in, is marriage really all it is set out to be?.... And I could really go on and on but fact is, even in this area of my life something is happening... I am now re-learning truths I thought I could take to the bank!! where love is concerned, but in that fairy-tale I realize that Love never comes as you expect, sometimes it can come looking sooo flawed, you end up discarding it as you wait for the perfect situation, which is by they way not the case at all, and by no means at all am I saying that we should settle for whatever comes our way!! HECK NO!! All am saying is be more open to different possibilities, but are of-course at the end of the day in line with your values and beliefs, because if your in conflict with yourself it will always show... My indicator has always been Peace of mind! If your not battling in the mind, then your well on you way... 

Of-course the next cycle is 35!! and funny enough I have a friend who is now here... Very beautiful, intelligent, go-getter, but still looking to settle down, and this can be a scary place to be or the most amazing place to be, depending on how you choose to look at it! If still single, your family may now really be on your neck to bear grand babies and may even be embarrassed to confess that their first born is still single! The stigma around this especially for the Woman who is at the top of her game, ends up loosing elements of her femininity I feel, she can become more abrasive, shrewd and pretty much no nonsense, because all she really has is her work, so she'll pull in extra hours, get her Master and maybe even PHD, so that she can have something to be proud of! HERSELF!!(THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL I MUST POINT OUT!) I actually think it is beautiful to invest in yourself though, but if not careful at this stage, then getting into a relationship will be rather difficult, because if your male age-mates are themselves not married, then the dynamics with the bachelors could be tricky, because you will both struggle to fit into each others world, of-course having both grown accustomed to your own space, so learning selflessness and compromise will not be an easy Journey... Or the other option is to have a young play boy!! But how long will that last...

And lastly for now at at-least... Is the 42year old, who may have a partner at home driving her crazy with his mid-life crisis and or teenagers running a havoc!! Or say maybe divorced, because I have a friend in a similar situation and she too is in a great place in her career, everything is going up! Parenting for her is probably the easiest part of her day, though as the teen years develop that is likely to change... And her love-life at this point is all up to her!! I feel like this is such a freeing place to be, she's probably not looking to get married, she's not rushing to have kids, she probably doesn't really need a man financially, so for her it's pretty much purely companionship!! which takes away all the pressure that comes with first timers like myself LOL!! So I feel like at this stage the relationship is likely to last longer, or if not, the fact that you will make the most of the PRESENT! You will surely be happier, more appreciate and I really do see what they mean when they say that for women, Life really does begin at 40!! One is more sure of themselves, so that does wonders for self-confidence, plus sexual appetite, which I forgot to mention, after 35 it can become a force to reckon with!! LOL! So if this is true for all, then you and your partner can have a Hella good time;-) Also at this stage, you've probably made almost all the mistakes, so a dozen times wiser and more appreciative, because at this point you really do believe that it is in fact 'NEVER THAT SERIOUS!!'

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Wise Words From Mommy dearest...

Do you know that what you say is what you get?

I believe we get what we say because God honors His Word—and His Word says that “whosoever...shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass...shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23)

He shall have whatsoever he saith! That is an awesome Bible promise. This however is a two-edged sword: it could work for you, or against you depending on what you say. We constantly use words like “I can't” and “I'm afraid” when God's Word says “I can” and “Fear not.” Our words are  are out of harmony with God's Word; we are disagreeing with the Lord!

“Can two walk together, except they agree?” asks Amos 3:3. I discovered that we can never walk with God in blessing, triumph and abundant supply as long as we disagree with God's Word. So here is the secret: we have to agree with the Lord, we have to say what God says about our lives, our health, our finances, our strength, our anointing, the power He has given us, about all the blessings He has promised us in His Word.

Since what we say is what we get, don't ever say anything you wouldn’t want to get. To help us overcome any habit of negative speaking, it may help us to start with the “Never Again List”


Never Again will l confess “I can't” for “I can do do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)

Never Again will I confess lack, for “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19)

Never Again will I confess fear, for “God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind” (2Timothy 1:7)

Never Again will I confess doubt and lack of faith, for “God has given to every man the measure of faith” (Romans12:3)

Never Again will I confess weakness, for “The Lord is the strength of my life” (Psalms 27:1) and “The people that know their Gos shall be strong and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32)

Never Again will I confess supremacy of satan over my life, for “Greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world” (1John 4:4)

Never Again will I confess lack of wisdom for “Christ Jesus is made unto me wisdom from God” (1Corinthians 1:30)

Never Again will I confess sickness for “By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5) and Jesus “Himself took my infirmities and bare my sickness” (Matthew 8:17)

Never Again will I confess worries and frustrations, for I am “Casting all my cares upon Him who cares for me” (1Peter 5:7). In Christ I am “care-free!”
Never Again will I confess bondage, for “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2Corinthians 3:17). My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!

Never Again will I confess condemnation, for “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). I am in Christ; therefore , I am free from condemnation.