And here's why... I see teen girls who dress no different
from twilight-girls and at merely 13!! They are out of the house not even aware
of what they are communicating to the opposite sex their age or older... And
now with Parents having no time, as we build empires, go back to school for an
MBA, no time to bond with the growing teen or even take them to church... I
understand where they pick there values from, with this Global Village we live
in... Rihanna, Nicki, Kim... The list is endless!! Give a majority of our girls
the easier route out, because it's so much harder to emulate women like- Cina
Lawson- Togo Minister of Post & Telecommunications, or Maud Chifamba 14yr
Old University Accounting Student from Zimbabwe, (refer to latest Forbes Africa
Most Powerful Women Under 45 Article) or even more familiar names like Oprah or
Sheryl SandBerg who show that Hard Work & Value still go a long way.
My point is, I feel this Generation feels too entitled! I
understand the need to express yourself, but to some extent this "My
Dress, My Choice" Movement, though with it's heart in the right place,
will only be an excuse for some girls to dress skimpily, which as I grow
older... I am made to understand is personal choice of-course, so what to do
but Respect that...
However I feel like this is the wrong approach! Don't fix a
wrong with a "wrong" & by that I mean taking to the streets will
not change much, just today these street hooligans are at it again! the strike
could just make these foolish men fight even more, instead it's time to begin
changing the conversations in our Homes, Schools, and social gatherings...This
will take time!! Let's teach our girls to have self-value again, and teach our
Men to honour & respect us. Humanity is a RIGHT! So those violent acts must
have consequences, but let us also find permanent solutions for Man & Woman
to Co-exist.
So to all those who may read this with some ignorance, this
part is for you... I am not condoning the Violent Acts at all! But all am
saying is that Hashtags and Protest will not communicate effectively to the
illiterate touts, but Laws that Govern and Protect for the Safety of Humanity,
of Women, these idots need to know that what they are doing is punishable buy
law! so question is where are our Women Reps!? What actions are being taken? In
the meantime let's Raise Boys who know better and Women who Challenge them to
continually Step Up. #HumanRightsForAll is better Hashtag.