Wednesday, 26 November 2014

I am not a Man But...

I am not a Man, but I am Praying for the Men of Our Country! It's time to Rise to the Occasion... The number one Role of Man is to Protect the Woman!!

Today Mr.President said, that the Onus is on us to be our Brothers Keepers!! True to a certain level... much like I've been saying, a lot needs to be re-learned, since when was it first instinct to take out a phone & record, instead of HELP!! But clearly that's a very long conversation Society needs to be ready for! So My Star today is LSK Chairman Eric Mutua & his team, who are calling for these men to be Prosecuted!! I just Pray that our Security Officers actually follow suit... ‪#‎LordHelpUs‬

Monday, 17 November 2014

His Mercies... My Truths...

My Dear Hearts... Teach Mommy Patience, Love & Commitment... And convict Mommy to Always "Test Everything, But Hold on to what is Good" 1Thessalonians 5:21. 

Mommy is not Perfect, but His Grace is Sufficient to guide me on this Life Long Commitment to Raise Children who will see the value of Philippians 4:8 "Whatever is True, Whatever is Noble, Whatever is Right, Whatever is Pure, Whatever is Lovely, Whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent & praise worthy, think about such things" If I had a Son, this too would be my Prayer & Desire for him to grow up knowing & embracing. 

To all the Ladies who have shared with me, their horrifying experiences at the hands of Men who don't know any better! From the bottom of my heart I empathise & wish we were having different debates in this Century, because just like the Woman who is battered by her Husband continually with no help from Authorities this too needs to cause a Mind Shift... Men like DNG have tugged at my heart, let's reach out to this Men... Understand what the issues are, address them if possible... And as I've been saying all along! Our Leaders please help... This is the Time to Rise to the Occasion & indeed communicate that such acts have dire consequences. #Peace

My Dress My Choice... Let's Think LONG-TERM!

A lady asks me why I push for Women to Celebrate themselves! My constant rant on celebrating Curves and here I am saying otherwise!? No am not… 
Don't get me WRONG! I am calling for long term solutions & not knee jerk reactions! appeal to our leaders to take ACTION! teach our Kids differently! I am all for Celebration! But as your their CELEBRATING! There is the uneducated lot who don't see it that way! So guess what this will take longer than we think... 
Let's us fight for Education!! And for LAWS! That Protect Us!! Such inhumane Acts call for Persecution, but then what!? We Punish those Hooligans! But don't deal with the underlying Problem! In order for us to reach that place we so desire, let us strive to educate. My heart is really in the right Place… A Revolution takes time, let us think through what to do and how to do it RIGHT! Let's Think LONGTERM...

Sunday, 16 November 2014

More Than Meets the Eye... Expounding on My Dress My Choice!

There is definitely more than meets the Eye Here... My point in all this if you read through my post in it's entirety, is yes I see a Co-relation... Our Society as a Whole!! Is one Big ROT! No Respect for self, for laws or for each other. In no way which again was very clear in my post, have I condoned those vicious acts! Infact my heart broke when I watched the clip of the Mombasa Lady... 

The lack of understanding here is the sad part! My problem was the hashtag, which like I made very clear has the right intention, but I also am aware what else it communicates to a certain majority... This Stripping is not new!! I grew up being told that Infact because of my Body, there is is no way I could wear anything to flatter my curves, but instead hide! 

Haya fast forward 2014!! The issue is still here and on an even larger scale... An alarming one! Just yesterday it happened again after the hashtags & call to Protest! These Pervs are taking advantage of the situation until the LAW! Is put in place! Where are our Female Reps!? Our Leaders!? Our Security Officers!!? Violence of any kind & inhumane acts such as these can not in any way ever be justified & need to be dealt with ASAP!! 

What we need to drive for are yes immediate & Longterm solutions... Immediate is push for laws that Protect us women & Longterm is to raise our girls & boys differently... This will take time! Education is the way forward! Let's end this now! So that the next Generation knows better. I believe is what my Post Communicated.

My Dress My Choice... Not Really...

And here's why... I see teen girls who dress no different from twilight-girls and at merely 13!! They are out of the house not even aware of what they are communicating to the opposite sex their age or older... And now with Parents having no time, as we build empires, go back to school for an MBA, no time to bond with the growing teen or even take them to church... I understand where they pick there values from, with this Global Village we live in... Rihanna, Nicki, Kim... The list is endless!! Give a majority of our girls the easier route out, because it's so much harder to emulate women like- Cina Lawson- Togo Minister of Post & Telecommunications, or Maud Chifamba 14yr Old University Accounting Student from Zimbabwe, (refer to latest Forbes Africa Most Powerful Women Under 45 Article) or even more familiar names like Oprah or Sheryl SandBerg who show that Hard Work & Value still go a long way.

My point is, I feel this Generation feels too entitled! I understand the need to express yourself, but to some extent this "My Dress, My Choice" Movement, though with it's heart in the right place, will only be an excuse for some girls to dress skimpily, which as I grow older... I am made to understand is personal choice of-course, so what to do but Respect that...

However I feel like this is the wrong approach! Don't fix a wrong with a "wrong" & by that I mean taking to the streets will not change much, just today these street hooligans are at it again! the strike could just make these foolish men fight even more, instead it's time to begin changing the conversations in our Homes, Schools, and social gatherings...This will take time!! Let's teach our girls to have self-value again, and teach our Men to honour & respect us. Humanity is a RIGHT! So those violent acts must have consequences, but let us also find permanent solutions for Man & Woman to Co-exist.

So to all those who may read this with some ignorance, this part is for you... I am not condoning the Violent Acts at all! But all am saying is that Hashtags and Protest will not communicate effectively to the illiterate touts, but Laws that Govern and Protect for the Safety of Humanity, of Women, these idots need to know that what they are doing is punishable buy law! so question is where are our Women Reps!? What actions are being taken? In the meantime let's Raise Boys who know better and Women who Challenge them to continually Step Up. #HumanRightsForAll is better Hashtag.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

My Response...

Seeing us I can live in my bubble, just read Njoki Chege's piece on "Fat=Cheating", plus her interview on the Trend, & now her new article today on pretty much GoldDigging, well my 2cents here, if it matters really, is I get it! I really honestly do get where she's coming from on both articles; But here is my issue- My kids are now 3yrs and am probably my heaviest now & though I may be much busier, truth is if I wanted to, I would be making healthier choices, but sometimes as women & men likewise we tend to get comfortable & lazy & also one thing am learning especially for me as a single Mom, because I don't have a man to come home too I come to a place of acceptance & unconditional love from my two girls, so that pressure isn't really there, but in real essence how it should be is, only until a woman realizes that she needs to get to a place where she needs to workout for herself, eat better for herself, dress smarter, all these things should be because you love your body, it's your temple take care of it & you'll be surprised at the confidence you'll get if you do it for you...

 All must be to done for your good, don't do it for your partner, that said the bible is clear that "The Woman will crave the attention of a Man" So it all goes back to knowing your worth & that He made you beautiful, so if your spirit is right you'll also want your body to catch up with it, so do it for you!! Because a man won't cheat because your fat! He'll make the choice to cheat anyway, so you'll do all these things to impress him only to be cheated on, then loose the will to even try to look beautiful, because the reason you look beautiful every morning is for him & not you, so that correlation between weight gain=cheating is not that black & white, because Though men are visual beings, cheating is a choice! And he who makes the decision to has the problem, and that should not be pegged on your weight. A good man would simply address it head on & you work as a partners to bring out the best in each other. I could go on forever really, but calm down people Njoki Chege is only doing what I've always had a problem with- Maximizing on Controversy, sucks but that's what sells, but I must say that I like that she is starting necessary conversations., though leaving a sour taste for many...

Her new article, Well... I actually posted a similar one on this blog earlier this year; Revelations... My view then... But more evolved... Only thing constant in life is change eh;-)

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


 I can't shake this unwavering feeling that all I have prayed for, cried to God for & prepared for is all happenening...

There is a condition though... Listen to God...

Funny how when your desperate for God to move in your life, the fervent prayer & fasting comes so naturally, but when waiting on Him becomes a little too hard & you slowly find yourself giving into the desires of the flesh, accepting that maybe this is all it's set out to be, you stop praying, or atleast stop praying as honestly & with the same hunger, because sin separates you from God...

Like Adam & Eve, shame creeps in, and now you feel unworthy to go before Him, the sin has also become too sweet to walk away from, but deep down you know that this phase will not last forever and wait for the day that He will give you a reality check!! And when He does it Hits Hard!! Everything in your life will go wrong, from home to work, sickness will follow you & your children, work will bear no fruits & yes you will be broke all the TIME!!

Only until you wake up & realise that we serve a Jelous God! So once you put someone or something else on a Pedalstal, His Grace & Mercy will no longer cover you, because your only safe when your living in His Divine Purpose, but also be aware that the road is still not smooth, the tests & trials are granted, but by His Strength He will equip you & this too shall Pass...

That said, am learning how beautiful & peaceful it is to live in your purpose, you thrive, you glow, you love...

And one key element of Success am learning is to always give God what is His!!! First Fruits, Tithe & Offering... He really does give you back press down & shaken together!!!

Second thing... Be Fearless!! Share about His Greatness, His Love & Mercy, never be afraid to stand up and be counted as one of His, He will surely reward you...

Lastly, know who you are in Him!! Beautiful, Loved, Forgiven, The Head & not the tail & Favoured!! Once you tap into that reality you will have the courage to live the life He has set out for you, you will have the courage to walk away from that unhealthy relationship, you will have the courage to love the way God say's you should love, and you will have the courage to be a better Parent, a more intentional parent...

I hope this speaks to someone, because I really do feel the burden to reach out... I can't keep this all to myself...

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

My Reality...

My Reality is that I may never get it...
My Reality is that My big break may never come(I think we're actually supposed to go for it though)
My Reality is that, this may be all I'll ever have...
But My Reality is that, this time it doesn't hurt as much...
However My Reality is that, this time I should have known better...
Because My Reality is that, this time I need to remember that I can't expect different results by doing the same thing...
But My Reality, is that I don't know how else to do it...
So looks like My Reality is seemingly Bleak...
Though I still can't shake the unwavering feeling of hope, because as always... My Reality is This Too Shall Pass...
Always Does...

March 2014!